Monday, August 14, 2017

The working ceiling fan is in the house :)

 We just installed the working fan by Creative Reproductions to Scale ( CR2S ) You can find them on the web here
:) Here it is. Once the house is completely assembled, I will post another video of the entire house electrified. Next, we are going to start on the 2nd floor.

The Kitchen lights are in as well. This was made easily out of strip wood and swivel lights.

The kitchen. This is the wall that will get the appliances.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Playing with the floor plan

I'm playing with the floor plans a bit before I commit where I need to glue the fire place :) Working on cutting the window trim and the base board. Lastly, the working fan goes in! This floor plan works in one way, and the other floor plan works more if one was actually living there. Divisions, decisions...